There are many ways to communicate between two devices. One of that is the efficient, simple and cheap way: Web Service. Web Service is a software system designed for support communication over a network. To communicate between Arduino and host computer, we can apply Web Service which uses Arduino Ethernet Shield. The example from describe how to call web server over HTTP protocol. We are able to apply to the call to a web service provider by sending a SOAP message. This article shows how to call the web service provider with Arduino and ethernet shield. Server-side install web service provider, developed with Java language and deploy on apache tomcat and client-side is an Arduino with Ethernet Shield installed. Arduino and Ethernet Shield From WebClient in Arduino Example, demonstrate how to call web server by using an ethernet shield . Like use telnet command call to server with puting some instruction command within the r...
Java ,Jboss ,Electronic ,Jboss ,Mysql ,Arduino ,Application Server, Database ,Hack ,Technology ,SOAP ,Web Service, Programming ,Language ,Developer